Hobart Hurricanes January School Holiday Programs:
If you are looking for some cricket activities during the school holidays, we have got you covered!
Hobart Hurricanes staff will be delivering programs throughout the state, details below:
Traditional Holiday Programs:
For children aged 5 – 10 years old. All ability levels are welcome. Whether you are new to the sport or have participated in one of our Blast programs previously we have activities to meet all skill levels!
Programs are structured as 2 x 2 hour sessions taking place over 2 days.
Program cost is $39, which includes the 2 sessions and a participant pack containing a Woolworths Cricket Blast tote bag, Drink Bottle and Hurricanes Stress Ball.
Bridport: Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th January, 9.30am - 11.30am, Bridport Village Green REGISTER HERE
St Helens: Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th January 10am – 12pm, St Helens Cricket Ground REGISTER HERE
Launceston: Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th January 10am – 12pm, NTCA Ground REGISTER HERE
North West:
Burnie: Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th January 10am – 12pm, Acton Recreation Ground REGISTER HERE
Devonport: Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th January 2pm – 4pm, Meercroft Park REGISTER HERE
Southern Programs:
Ninja Stadium*: Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st January 9am – 11am REGISTER HERE
Ninja Stadium*: Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th January 9am – 11am REGISTER HERE
3 Day Holiday Program – Bridport
Monday 6th, Tuesday 7th and Friday 10 January, 9.30am – 11.30am, Bridport Village Green
Ages: 5-10 Cost: $59 Participant Pack: Could include: Bat, shirt, hat, ball
All Girls Colour Blast Programs:
This 2 session program is for Girls who are new or have played previously. Experience cricket in a new and exciting way, through "Non Traditional" fun, skill and game based activities with a splash of colour and water! Colour Run included!
Ages: 5-12 Cost: FREE!! Participant Pack: Tote Bag, Stress Ball, Hat, White Shirt
Northern Tasmania:
Launceston: Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd January 10am – 11.30am, NTCA Ground REGISTER HERE
North West Tasmania:
Ulverstone Cricket Club (UCI Oval): Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th January 10am – 11.30am REGISTER HERE
Southern Tasmania: Pick a program from the below offerings:
Monday 13/1 Pembroke Park, Sorell and Thursday 16/1 Cornelian Bay 10am – 11.30am REGISTER HERE
Tuesday 14/1 Kingston Beach Oval and Thursday 16/1 Cornelian Bay 10am – 11.30am REGISTER HERE
Wednesday 15/1 and Thursday 16/1 Cornelian Bay 10am – 11.30am REGISTER HERE
If you have any questions regarding the programs or require any additional information, please contact:
Northern Contact: Cayb Woods – cwoods@crickettas.com.au
North West Contact: Claire Alexander - calexander@crickettas.com.au
Southern Contact: Liam O’Sullivan – losullivan@crickettas.com.au
Colour Blast Enquiries: Lauren Hepburn – lhepburn@crickettas.com.au
*Ninja Stadium subject to Availability